Sports Injury Massage

Sports Injury Massage Kennewick, WA

Massage For Sports Injuries in Tri-Cities, WAProfessional athletes know all about the benefits of a therapeutic massage. Massage is one of the best, most effective treatments for sports injuries. In addition to promoting rapid healing, sports injury massage can also prevent re-injury and improve rehabilitation outcomes.

The body’s natural reaction to injury is the production of fluid. Fluid can get trapped in muscle tissue, causing swelling and pain. Massage can help release fluids, reduce pain and promote healing in injured tissues.

Massage promotes overall well-being

Massage improves circulation in the body, and circulation is key to healing. It promotes the flow of oxygen and nutrients to injured issue. This optimizes healing, and allows the body to rebuild injured tissues quickly and efficiently.

In addition to promoting healing, sports injury massage can improve an athlete’s range of motion. Being able to move muscles and joints without impairment maximizes athletic performance.

Sports Injury Massage Services – Tri-Cities, WA

Sports injury massage also decreases the amount of recovery time a person needs between workouts or athletic performances. Certain acids build up in muscle tissue during strenuous activity. Sports massage can help the body clear these toxins and enable a faster return to top performance condition.

Overtraining is a serious issue among high-performance athletes. Overtraining occurs when maximum performance exceeds a person’s recovery ability. Continued overtraining actually reduces a person’s maximum performance potential! One way to address overtraining is by improving recovery ability. Massage shortens the amount of time a person needs to fully recover from strenuous athletic performance, and improves the quality of the recovery. By improving recovery ability, athletes can help ensure continued exceptional performance.

In addition to promoting rapid recovery, regular sports massage can prevent injuries. Sports injury massage can access deep tissues. This can both heal fascial adhesions and prevent them from forming. When your body is free of myofascial adhesions, you will experience the full range of motion your body is capable of. You’ll also experience the benefits of rapid, efficient recovery.

Call to Schedule or Book an Appointment Online

If you would like more information about sports injury massage, or you’d like to make an appointment, please call Renow Body Rehab at (509) 713-5351. You can also book an appointment online!

Request Your Massage Now

If you would like more information about sports injury massage, or you’d like to make an appointment, please call Renow Body Rehab at (509) 713-5351. You can also request an appointment online!